Deadline: 2024-01-02 Tomorrow
To be included in the Final Program of the conference and the Conference Proceeding, all accepted papers must complete the registration process by making the Paper Registration Payment based on the Registration Fee table and upload the receipt to the system. Moreover, the Camera-Ready version of the paper must be prepared based on the Final Paper format presented at the Final Paper Guidelines section and uploaded properly.
Start of Full Paper Submission
2023-08-21Full Paper Submission Deadline (Extended)
2023-12-10Notification of Acceptance
2023-12-25Camera Ready Paper Deadline
2024-01-02Address: No.190, Maleklu St., Heydarkhani St., Farjam Ave., Narmak, Tehran, Iran, JDEVS branch of ACECR
Zipcode: 16849-33511
Secretariat: Ms. S. Ebadi
Phone: (+9821) 77896688 (Contact time 8.30 - 11.30 business days)
Fax: (+9821) 77453106